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Heres a great way to use up some of your stash or even your favourite fabrics, they are so practical too for all your sewing bits and bobs, jewellery, ribbons, wool or make them bigger for books or maybe for log storage.
Heres a great way to use up some of your stash or even your favourite fabrics, they are so practical too for all your sewing bits and bobs, jewellery, ribbons, wool or make them bigger for books or maybe for log storage.
I quite like the idea of organising all my scraps into usable sizes rather than just in colours like they are now, my aim is to have a basket full of 2 1/2 inch squares for a Postage Stamp Quilt that I quite fancy making. Also a basket full of 2 1/2 inch strips for Log Cabin, or Court Yard Steps Blocks.
They are so simple to make, for what ever size you need or if you need square or rectangular boxes take 2 pieces of fabric the same size, you can use wadding or interface to strengthen the basket, cut this the same size too.
For full instructions Ive added the Craft Cotton Blog post using Mary Poppins fabrics, the Flamingo Toes Blog which is a great tutorial showing a different style with handles on too, and then we have 9 different baskets from Sew Can She.
Have fun, once youve made one you will make lots of them and they are great makes for presents too!
Flamingo Toes 30 Minute Fabric Basket